Grosvenor Group, with the Head Office in Romania and operations in 6 countries, is one of the most important distributor in Electronic & Automotive Industry. With an experience of 18 years in the market we, continuously, adapt and improve our portfolio of products and services to help our customers in any demanding situation. During the years, we developed strategic partnerships with leading manufacturers, helping us to serve our customers in Eastern European market at the highest level.
Contact details:
Kálmán Bálint
+36 70 607 2721
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E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: 1097 Budapest, Gubacsi út 30.
National Electronics Society of Hungary
H–1044 Budapest, Ipari Park utca 10.
Zsolt Heiling Event Manager
Email: heiling [at]