The Advanced Electronics Assembly Conference is designed to elevate your understanding of the cutting-edge manufacturing techniques prevalent in today's industry. Renowned subject matter experts will not only present but also provide in-depth insights into practical, real-world solutions and processes.

The 2025 technical program will take place at the Innoelectro Budapest Fair & Conference at Wednesday (9 April, 2025). This strategic venue selection promises greater exposure, a larger audience, and the opportunity to attract high-quality attendees. Join us for an unparalleled experience at the intersection of innovation and electro-technology!

For the InnoElectro Grand Prix founded by NESH, exhibitors can nominate one of their products, which will be presented at the InnoElectro Fair. It can be the exhibitor's own development or even marketed devices, equipment, or any product, software, or service. The point is that it should be an innovative solution that helps some area of the electronics industry in a forward-looking way. The applicant must explain the innovation of the product.

MELT (National Electronics Society of Hungary) organizes again this year its manual soldering competition for secondary school students. The aim of the competition is to promote and make well known the basics of soldering technology. Those who are good at hand soldering will understand the basic principles of soldering, which are the same as for any soldering technology, even automated ones.

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