Founded in 2007, Net Digital Service S.R.L. has the main activities SMT laser stencil production and photographic film printing of very high resolutions and very large dimensions for glass industry (automotive industry) and electronic applications.
We produce a large variety of laser stencils for SMT, for various selftensioning frames, double thickness stencils or mesh glued stencils. We can provide special treatment of the stencils, like Nanocoating and electropolishing. Also, all our stencils are controled with ScanStencil system.
Our abilities regarding CAD processing of the files received from the client, as well as the quality of the last generation LPKF laser that we use, allow us to deliver high quality products at and very competitive prices.
We benefit from a prolonged experience of the STV Group in this field of activity, and we also take advantages from having the production in Bors - Romania, near the broder with Hungary. Another competitive advantage is our highly qualified personnel, capable of offering integrated solutions to our clients. We are aware of the importance of today's fast response to client's requests, that's why we have a standard delivery time of 24-36 hours to any part of Europe.
We can also provide a large format photografic film, up to 1600x2500 mm, at resolutions up to 8128 dpi, using Barco Gigasetter machine. The applications for this films are various: screen printing, encoder productions, printed circuits etc.
Net Digital Service SRL is a new growing company who has committed to become an est-european leader in laser stencil production, offering support to local electronic industry, and also trying to be an important player on the european and worldwide markets.
Contact details:
Traian Maduta, tel. +40 721 249873,
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National Electronics Society of Hungary
H–1044 Budapest, Ipari Park utca 10.
Zsolt Heiling Event Manager
Email: heiling [at]