NUXON - the air purification expert. „Take a deep breath!”
By using our cutting-edge technologies, helping the protection of our environment and the purity of the air, you can not only make your working environment or living space cleaner and healthier, but you can also take a big step forward in order to obtain the highest level of environmental protection certifications.
Industrial activities, whether it is manufacturing, processing or machining, can cause various air pollution. The generation of smoke, dust, oil mist, odor pollution requires local and central ai handling, air treatment and filtration.
An important aspect is the air purity of the working environment and the proper treatment of the used air released into the environment, and in some cases, industrial technology requires the supply of indoor air that is sufficiently clean and germ-free.
Our technologies can be used in new construction, modernization and retrofit alike.
NUXON provides its customers with complete project solutions from design to implementation. You can also count on us to develop financing and energy efficiency projects, and we provide full support in the operation of the completed system.
Please contact us with any questions you may have.
Contact details:
Address: 1131 Budapest, Dolmány u. 39.
Ferenc Márton This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +36 20 5413331
National Electronics Society of Hungary
H–1044 Budapest, Ipari Park utca 10.
Zsolt Heiling Event Manager
Email: heiling [at]