EFI-labs | EFI Services Ltd.

(Booth: C05)

Failure analysis and validation tests of electronic products - 20 years in the automotive industry

EFI-labs is Hungary's leading laboratory specializing in failure analysis and process validation related to the materials and production technology of electronic components and products, with additional expert services. In accordance with the needs of the industry, EFI-labs helps its Cutomers to solve problems with the greatest possible flexibility and speed. The current team of nearly 30 people handles thousands of cases a year, primarily for Hungarian and European Customers.

The laboratory has the complete set of routine analytical tools and methods necessary for the tests, both in microscopy and spectroscopy, and in mechanical tests. EFI-labs has one of the largest capacities in Europe for cross-sectioning of electronic components, products and their joints:

Based on the constantly expanding needs of the industry, EFI-labs also created new business branches, e.g. for counterfeit parts analysis, benchmarking and technical cleanliness.

Contact details:
Address: 1111 Budapest, Egry József utca 18.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.efi-labs.com
Tel.: +36 1 463 4268

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