(Booth: E14)

Phoenix Contact is a worldwide manufacturer of components, systems and solutions in the area of electrical engineering, electronics and automation. Our modern components and system solutions are found in a variety of industrial applications. With more than 100 years of innovation experience, Phoenix Contact has the solution for your application needs.

Phoenix Contact produces with a high vertical range of manufacture all over the world; not only screws, plastic and metal parts, but also highly automated assembly machines are build in house.

Product innovations and specific solutions for individual customer requests are developed at the locations in Germany, China and the United States.

Numerous patents underline the fact that many developments from Phoenix Contact are unique in their own.

In close cooperation with universities and science, future technologies like e-mobility and environmental technologies are explored and integrated into products, systems and solutions for the market.

The German brand Phoenix Contact, founded in 1923, opened its official Hungarian subsidiary in 1998.

Contact details:
Address: H-1124 Budapest, Csörsz street 49-51.
Telephone: +36 1 555 1000

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